Uluslarası Müzik Yarışması!


Birçoğunuzun haberi bile olmadığını düşünerek ilgilenebileceklere duyuru yapmak istedim:


Ağustos sonuna kadar katılabileceğiniz dünya çapında ve birçok kategoride katılabileceğiniz bir yarışma. Ayrıntılı bilgi yukarıda ve İngilizce.

Kısaca, Rock ta dahil olmak üzere hemen her türde katılabilirsiniz (sadece söz ve performans ta olabilir). Her parça için ayrı ücret ödemeniz gerekiyor.

Kolay gelsin.
1. Each entry must include the following:

Completed entry form (photocopy is acceptable) with original signature
Song on CD or tape. Do not submit MP3/Data if sending by mail.
CDs (audio CDs only). If you are submitting multiple songs or one song in multiple
categories, please put them all on one CD or tape, if possible. If entering a CD, submit the
entry in a regular-sized CD case and label the spine with entrant's name in black marker. Also, please be certain that the entrant's name is marked clearly on the CD, CDR, or tape.
If entering a tape, label the spine of the case with entrant's name. If you are entering the
Lyrics Only category or lyrics into the Teen Category, it is not mandatory to submit music, and you do not need to specify a category or kind of music.
Lyric sheet for each entry (please include English translation, if applicable, and type or
print legibly). You do not need to send sheet music with your entry.
IF YOU ENTER BY AUGUST 31: Payment of $30 (US currency only) for the first entry. Additional entries are $20 extra for each entry. If you enter one song in multiple categories or more than one song in one or multiple category(ies), your entry fee must correlate to the number of individual entries. For example, if you enter one song in two categories, your fee is $50. If you enter two songs in one category, your fee is $50. If you enter two songs in two categories each, your fee will be $90. Your entries must be sent together in one package in order to receive the discounted entry fee. If you send in additional entries later, you cannot take advantage of this offer.
IF YOU ENTER AFTER AUGUST 31: $30 per entry (there is no additional entry discount after August 31).
Checks and money orders should be made payable to International Songwriting Competition. Payment from countries outside the US must be in the form of a bank check, money order, cash, or credit card. No personal checks are accepted from outside the U.S.

Online entries are accepted. Please note: there is a small processing fee for online entries, but you don't have to pay for postage, and it is very easy, and it only takes minutes. To enter online, please click here.

All entries must be postmarked on or before October 15, 2004

Categories include: Pop/Top 40, Rock, AAA/Roots/Americana, Country, R&B/Hip-Hop, Blues,
Dance/Electronica, Folk/Singer-Songwriter, Jazz, World, Instrumental; Children's Music; Gospel/Christian, Lyrics Only, Teen* and Performance.

*All songwriters entering the Teen category must be 18 years old or younger by October 15, 2004. All genres of music are accepted in this category. In this category, songwriters may enter songs with music (on CD or tape) or just lyrics with no music. Entering this category will not exclude you from entering other categories as well.

Mail entries to:
International Songwriting Competition
211 Seventh Avenue North, Suite LL-20
Nashville, TN 37219 USA

2. All entries submitted must be original songs and shall not infringe any copyrights or any other rights of any third parties. Songs may have multiple co-writers, but only one name should be designated on the entry form. Entrant shall, by entering, indemnify and hold ISC harmless from and against any claims inconsistent with the foregoing.

3. ISC is open to all amateur and professional songwriters and anyone regardless of nationality or origin. Employees of ISC, its families, subsidiaries and affiliates are not eligible. If entrant is under 18 years old, the signature of a parent or guardian is required.

4. Entrant may submit as many songs as desired in each category. Entrant may also enter the same song in more than one category. Multiple song entries must be sent in one package with one check, money order, or credit card payment in order to receive multiple-song discount. ISC will not honor the discount if songs are added at a later date or sent in a separate package. Entrant may submit one CD or tape for multiple entries, but it is required that the song(s) for submission be clearly marked on the CD or tape. All entry fees are non-refundable.

5. Entry materials (CDs or tapes) submitted will not be returned to the entrant. ISC is not responsible for late, lost, damaged, misdirected, postage due, stolen, or misappropriated entries.

6. Entries will be screened by ISC, and the finalists will be sent to the judges who will select the winners. The judging committee consists of high-profile music industry professionals including record label executives, producers, and artists. Songs are judged equally on melody, composition, originality, and lyrics (when applicable). Lyrics may be in any language. Quality of performance and production will not be considered. All prizes will be awarded to the first name as it appears on the entry form, and division of prizes among co-authors is the responsibility of winners.

7. Finalists will be announced in January, 2005 and winners in March, 2005. ISC will use its best efforts to announce the winners at the designated time, but will not be held liable for any unforseen delays. Winners will be notified by mail and/or email. All entrants will be sent a complete list of winners. Winners will be required to sign an affidavit confirming that winner's song is original and he/she holds rights to the song. Failure to sign and return the form within 14 days or provision of false information will result in immediate disqualification and an alternate winner will be selected. Affidavits are subject to verification by ISC and its agents. Entry constitutes permission to use winner's name, likeness, and voice for future advertising and publicity purposes without additional compensation.

8. Prizes: Grand Prize winner will receive US $10,000 cash and $30,000 in merchandise/services. 1st place category winners will receive $1,000 cash and $2,000 in merchandise and services. 2nd Place category winners will receive $1,000 in merchandise and services. 3rd winners will each receive $500 worth of merchandise and/or services. Prizes for the Teen category differ from the regular categories. There will be three overall Teen winners: two for best song and one for best lyrics. There will be no transfer and substitution of prizes except as necessary due to availability in which case a prize of equal or greater value will be awarded. All winners agree to release sponsors from all liability regarding prizes won. All federal, state, and local taxes, and customs fees, when applicable, are the sole responsibility of winner. ISC will not pay any winners' taxes. Prizes will be sent out within a reasonable amount of time, and ISC will use its best efforts to send prizes out in a timely fashion. Please note that prizes which are being sent to winners from Sponsors may take longer than prizes sent directly from ISC.

9. Entrant agrees that should his/her song(s) be selected as a winner, ISC shall have the right to include the winning song(s) on the ISC Compilation CD to be used for promotional purposes only. Within 30 days after notification by ISC, winner will be required to supply to ISC the song on a suitable high-quality master tape or CD. If the winner does not meet these requirements, ISC has the right to disqualify the winner and select another, or omit the winner's song from the ISC Compilation CD.

10. Entrant retains all ownership rights to the submitted song(s).

11. By submitting an application form to ISC, entrant agrees to be bound by ISC's entry rules and regulations established herein.
Ben bir email attım, Power metal ve Satriani tarzı enstrümental tarz olarak (Rock kategorisi içinde) olur mu diye... Cevap bekliyorum.

Bence bunun paralı olmasının bir sebebi var: İnsanlar sadece çok güvendikleri beste veya bestelerini gönderecek ve jüri de birçok gereksiz (belki onbinlerce) besteyi dinlemek zorunda olmayacak. Geyik için katılmayı önleme amaçlı olduğunu sanıyorum. Para lafını duyunca hemen irkilmemek lazım. Jüri üyeleri boşa vakit geçirecek tipler değiller 🙂
parasız olmasının neresi mantıksız anlamadım. parasız olsa, buradan da herkes öylesine bir parça yollamaz mıydı? bir de bütün dünyada olduğunu düşünün, binlerce parça... dinle dinle dur, bunları seçecek adamlar aradan da ohoo...

işine güvenen parasını verir parçasını yollar. zaten kimseye zorunlu değil, sadece isteyene. bence gayet mantıklı.
Bu tur yarismalarda adi gecen goz kamastirici juri uyeleri yalnizca son degerlendirmeyi yapar. Ilk degerlendirmeyi yapanlar, yarismayi duzenleyen sirketin part-time olarak calistirdigi muzik ogrencileri ve muzik endustrisinde comez konumlarda calisan kisilerdir. Zamaninda Berklee'de okurken ben de John Lennon Songwriting Contest icin calismistim oradan biliyorum 😀

O gun oraya iki saatligine gidersiniz, size bir masa gosterirler, onunuze bir kutu dolusu zarf koyarlar, ufak bir CD-kaset calar, bir de kulaklik, acarsiniz zarflari, teker teker dinler degerlendirirsiniz. Sonucta diyelim ki 50 katilimci dinlediyseniz bunlardan 5 tanesini secmeniz istenir. Secer birakirsiniz. Bunlar iste o adi gecen esas juriye gonderilir.

Bu yarismalarda birinci gelip de yildizi parlayan olduysa da ben duymadim.
Parasız olsa 40.000$ lık ödülü nasıl vericekler. 😀

Abicim bu kadar para toplasam 40.000 dolarcığınıda
veririm herhalde. 8)

Madem bu kadar büyük bir organizasyon herhalde sponsor felan almışlardır bu adamlar. 🙂

Elalemden topla topla kafana göre birini seç hayatımda duymadım. :evil:
(Bu söylediğim Domokun'un anlattıkları için)

Bu arada başvuru sayısının fazlalığı o kuruluşun ciddiyetini gösterir.
Bence bu adamlar böyle bir yarışma düzenliyorlarsa gönderilen her eseri dinlemek zorundalar.

Her neyse yaw ortada bir yarışma var ve paralı
eser gönderen arkadaşlara başarılar diliyorum. 🙂

Bu iş bana Uğur Dündar'lık gibi geliyor ama...
Hadi neyse... 😀

Kolay Gelsin arkadaşlar... :dans
