D-sonic montaj yönü


dimarzio D-sonic bildiğiniz üzere yapı olarak asimetrik bir manyetik.
Bi tarafta düz manyetik bar, bir tarafta standart vidalar.

montaj yönüyle ilgili bilgi, tecrübesi olan var mı ? Nasıl bir fark yaratıyor, soundda ne çeşit bir fark oluyor ?

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Those of you familiar with DiMarzio® history will note the visual resemblance to our old MegaDrive™ pickup, but the design is completely different. Installation direction makes a noticeable difference in the sound, particularly with overdriven amps. With the solid bar toward the bridge, the sound is a little brighter and better-defined, and this is the direction we recommend for heavy strings and low tunings. With the adjustable pole pieces toward the bridge, the sound is warmer and a touch louder, and we think this works best for standard tuning and more solo-oriented playing. Each coil has a unique tonal character, so the two split sounds are different, and parallel humbucking produces a third clean and bright sound.
Merhaba bunu okumuştum. Aslında deneyimleyen var mı onu merak ettim
