canım kardesim iceman. tum makalelere atfedilen yazı kandel ER nin
the neuronal basis of cognition and plannig. birtane makale az gelir diye tum yazıyı yazdım. al buyur. yazıda savundugum hersey yazıyor prefrontal korteks, dusunme-ogrenme-davranısda hiyerarsik model.
pg(phineas gage) hadisesi. hepsi var.
Nowhere in the brain is the link between specific mental fuctions and brain structure more obvious than in the postrior parietal cortex. Lesions in the area interfere with awarness of one’s body and of the space in which it moves. Gordon holmes in england and alexander luria in russia studied soldiers who had been wounded in first and second world wars they found that posterior parietal association area is concerned with extrapersonel space (with deffining spatial relationships in the world around us), and with binding the elements of a visual scene in to a choherent whole. For example. Holmes and luria found that soldiers with bilateral injuries to the posterolateral parietal lobe had normal visual acuity but were unable to scan visually or reach for an object of interest. When asked describe what they saw, the wounded soldiers couldn’t together the elements of visual scene. These studies showed that the posterior association areas are critical for integration different sensory modilaties for using that information to direct behavior. Lather experiments with intact awake monkeys demonstrated that neurons in the dorsolateral posterior parietal cortex receive both visual an somatosensory information anda re concerned with directing vision and explatory behaviour towards stimuli in the contralateral visual field.
The dual functions of the limbic association area, notably those of emotinal expression and memmory formation, may seem disparade unless one realizes that the emotional impact of an evet is remembred. Study of the now famous patient H.M. after both medial temporal lobes had been removed first demostrated remarkably selective role of this part of the brain in converting short-term into long term memory. Neuroanatomical and cellular physiological studies of monkeys have helped establish that association areas in medial temporal lobe, including the hippocampal formation, receive information from virtually every other association area. These connections allow the hippocampal formation to sample the entire stream of outgoing connective activity and therby to relate different aspects of a single event so that they can be recalled as coherent experience.
Finnaly, the executive functions of behaviour-judgement, planning for the future, and holding and organizing events from memory for prospective action – are the responsibility of the anterior association area (prefrontal cortex). interest was drawn to this part of the brain in the nineteenth century by the curious case of rail road foreman, Phineas Gage. A tamping iron was driven through Gages frontal lobes by an explosion, but, suprisingly, he survived the accident. After recovering his personality was remarkably changed. Before the accident He had been reiable and industrious, but afterward his collegues complaned that “gage was not gage” he became unreliable and often drank excessively. He was unable to manage his work or personel life, and eventually became a homeless drifter. More recent studies of patients with frontal lobe lession confirm that the frontal lobes play critical role in long term planning and judgement. Paralel studies in monkeys, which we shall consider later, ind,cate that neurons in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex provide continuity of behavioral planning. For example, an induvidual neuron that may fire when a specific behavioral response has been cued will continue to fire, sometimes for minutes, until the response is executed. İf the neuron fails to fire, the monkey will not complate the task
What is the relationship of the primary sensory and motor cortices to the association regions ? according to hierarchical model of information proccessing in the cerebral cortex, sensory informationis first received and interpreted by the primary sensory areas, then sent to the unimodal association areas, and finnaly to the multimodal sensory areas. At each successive stage of this stream more complex analysis is achieved, culminating eventually, as with vision, for example, in object and patern recognition in the inferotemporal cortex.
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