İstanbul Metal Ve Rock Gitar Dersleri / Metal And Rock Guitar Lessons

Joe Satriani - Flying in a Blue Dream COVER


Ben profesyonel müzisyenim ve elektro gitar öğretmeniyim.
Modelleme, analog ve dijital efektler gibi gitar teknolojileri konusunda uzmanım.
İngilizce gitar dersleri veriyorum. Biraz Türkçe konuşuyorum.

Müzik alanında 25 yılı aşkın tecrübeye sahip başarılı bir gitaristim.

Sınıftaki şu konuları kapsıyorum:

Teknik gitar ustalığı
Kurşun oynuyor
Stil ve Yaratıcılık (Metal, Blues, Rock, Funk ...)
Efektler ve ton oluşturma
CUBASE kullanarak demoların kaydedilmesi ve üretilmesi

0531 573 66 34


I am a professional musician, electric guitar teacher, and expert in guitar technologies such as modeling, analog and digital effects. I give classes in English. My teaching method is all about focusing on music and encouraging students to create their own tone and character on the instrument no matter what style they play.

I am a well-accomplished guitarist with more than 25 years of experience in the music field.

I cover the following topics in my classes:
  1. Technical guitar mastery (picking, legato, tremolo bar, harmonics)
  2. Lead playing (scales, arpeggios, improvisation)
  3. Guitar fretboard mastery
  4. Rhythm (clean, distorted)
  5. Harmony in practice
  6. Style and Creativity (Metal, Blues, Rock, Funk...)
  7. Effects and creating tone
  8. Recording and producing demos using CUBASE

If interested, please call me and I would be glad to discuss things in details.
0531 573 66 34

All the best with your guitar journey.
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