Vox Ad30vt Yi Nasıl Bilirsiniz Arkadaşlar

Carsamba gunu ad30vt-xl elimde olucak,bu forumdaki bir arkadastan aliyorum ona gore kesin bir review yazabilirim.
Modelling bir amfiye gore gayet iyi sound alabildigini soyluyor arkadaslarim.Yalniz icindeki lambanin sound'a fazla bir etkisi yok.Lamba preamp olarak 0.25-0.5watt bir guc veriyor geri kalan guc tamamen solid state(transistor) ile saglaniyor.
Kusura bakmayin yazmayi unutmusum.
Gayet guzel bir amfi,phaser efekti berbat.Delay ve reverb gayet iyi.Diger efektler idare eder seviyede(pedal veya prosesor icin butceniz yok ise)
Amfiyi aldigimda denedigim ilk sey the eagle flies alone sarkisindaki introya olabildigince yakin bir sound almakti.
Biraz kurcalamayla basardim.

Sunulan presetlerle biraz oynayinca guzel sesler ortaya cikiyor.
Vt-xl modelinde presetler soyle:

Glass: modeled on the Clean channel of a collectible 100-Watt head named the Overdrive Special

Funked: modeled on a classic American black-faced 2x12 combo

Buzzsaw: inspired by the British-made 50-Watt head that created the sounds of ‘70s hard rock and metal

Crunched: based on a very rare modded VOX AC30/6TBX Top Boost combo, adding new hot-rodded gain levels and EQ

Thrashed: modeled on a 1983, all tube, single channel, master volume 100-Watt head

Raged: based on the high gain channel of a modern, all-tube 100 Watter, with boosted bass and mid frequencies and even more gain

Modern: a still higher gain modification to the “Modern High Gain” channel, with scooped EQ

Fluid: the UK Modern setting with maximum gain and mid-range EQ, modified to emphasize a vocal-like tone for legato-style playing

Molten: based on VOX’s US Hi-Gain model but capable of even more powerful, heavily saturated sounds, with an Octave effect mixed into the preset

Black: a version of the UK Modern mutated to Class A, rather than Class AB

Damaged: rooted in VOX’s US Hi-Gain model with more gain and a completely re-voiced and modified EQ to be thicker and darker.

Modern metal sound icin modern preset,dist 7-8/10,treble 7.5,mid 3-4,bass 5.5/6.5+compressor efekti kullaniyorum,solo kisimlar icinse fluid+reverb.
Clean ayarlarimi sıklıkla degistirdigimden sabit bir ayar yazamayacagim.

Ts808 pedalini boost olarak kullansam guzel bir sonuc alirim diye dusunuyorum.
Amfiyi aldigimda denedigim ilk sey the eagle flies alone sarkisindaki introya olabildigince yakin bir sound almakti.
Biraz kurcalamayla basardim.

Sunulan presetlerle biraz oynayinca guzel sesler ortaya cikiyor.
Vt-xl modelinde presetler soyle:

Glass: modeled on the Clean channel of a collectible 100-Watt head named the Overdrive Special

Funked: modeled on a classic American black-faced 2x12 combo

Buzzsaw: inspired by the British-made 50-Watt head that created the sounds of ‘70s hard rock and metal

Crunched: based on a very rare modded VOX AC30/6TBX Top Boost combo, adding new hot-rodded gain levels and EQ

Thrashed: modeled on a 1983, all tube, single channel, master volume 100-Watt head

Raged: based on the high gain channel of a modern, all-tube 100 Watter, with boosted bass and mid frequencies and even more gain

Modern: a still higher gain modification to the “Modern High Gain” channel, with scooped EQ

Fluid: the UK Modern setting with maximum gain and mid-range EQ, modified to emphasize a vocal-like tone for legato-style playing

Molten: based on VOX’s US Hi-Gain model but capable of even more powerful, heavily saturated sounds, with an Octave effect mixed into the preset

Black: a version of the UK Modern mutated to Class A, rather than Class AB

Damaged: rooted in VOX’s US Hi-Gain model with more gain and a completely re-voiced and modified EQ to be thicker and darker.

Modern metal sound icin modern preset,dist 7-8/10,treble 7.5,mid 3-4,bass 5.5/6.5+compressor efekti kullaniyorum,solo kisimlar icinse fluid+reverb.
Clean ayarlarimi sıklıkla degistirdigimden sabit bir ayar yazamayacagim.

Ts808 pedalini boost olarak kullansam guzel bir sonuc alirim diye dusunuyorum.

Verdiğiniz bilgiler için teşekkür ederim hocam.Bende en kısa zamanda bu amfiden edineceğim.
