AIDS konusunda yeteri kadar bilgili olduğuna inanıyor musun?

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silent_guitar demiş ki:
Fransa'da AIDS ile ilgili olarak çizgi film şeklinde hazırlanmış, arkada güzel bir müzikle sunulmuş ve yetişkinlerden ziyade daha çok gençliğe yönelik olarak verilen bir eğitim videosudur. Tıklayıp biraz bekledikten sonra izleyebilirsiniz.


😀 Çok güzel yapmışlar gerçekten 😀

Tavsiye ederim herkes izlesin 🙂

Sonunda da "İyisini bulmak için yeterince yaşayın.
Kendinizi koruyun" yazıyor, merak edenlere.
Şu aralar popüler olan "Kuş gribi" hepimizi tedirgin ediyor ancak yıllardır bir sürü insanın ölümüne sebep olmuş olan AIDS'i de unutmamak lazım.

Şu "AIDS'li iğne ve sinema" iletisi bana da geldi.

Ne olur ne olmaz.

Aman dikkat!
Yukarda arkadaşın belirttiği gibi bence bizler için en tehlikeli noktalar dövme ve benzeri şeyler. Aman dikkat. Diğerlerini zaten çoğu kişi biliyor ama böyle hassaslıklar da var
Gelen yeni iletiyi aktarıyorum:

"Dear Murat:

In 2005, we saw how American commitment to the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty can change the world.

Because of you, the U.S. made historic promises at the July G8 summit, agreeing to cancel crushing debts, double aid to Africa and even provide access to AIDS drugs for all who need them.

2006 is all about keeping our promises so these solutions become a reality for those most in need. If kept, we could save over 4.5 million lives a year by 2010—all we need is your voice.

Sign a letter today and ask President Bush to keep the promise and fully fund the fight against AIDS and extreme poverty.

In the next three weeks, the President will make crucial decisions about next year’s budget, including how America will best use our resources to help educate, feed and treat those most in need.

As ONE, we’re asking that the U.S. give an additional 1% of our budget over the next five years so we can keep our life-saving promises to fight AIDS and poverty.

What could just one more penny of every dollar do?
By giving an additional 1%, the U.S. would be able to help prevent 10 million children from becoming AIDS orphans and send 100 million children to grade school.

Sign the ONE budget request to President Bush today and let him know that America is serious about making the G8 commitments a reality for the world’s poorest people

Thank you,

The ONE Team"

AIDS'e karşı yürütülen mücadeleye destek vermek isteyenler için:
Gelen son iletiyi de paylaşmak istedim.

Verilen numarayı aramak bizler için pek mümkün olmayabilir ama en azından adresine tıklayarak kongreye e-mail göndermek kaydıyla katkıda bulunabilirsiniz.

"Dear Murat:

Thank you for taking action! You and over 75,000 other ONE supporters have already written to President Bush and asked him to keep America's promise to fight AIDS and extreme poverty.

Now it’s time to take the next step:

Please call 1-800-786-2663 and ask President Bush to support a $5 billion increase in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty in his budget request to Congress.

With this funding, America could increase efforts to help the 100 million children out of school around the world get into a classroom and moving toward a brighter future.

Education is a tool that works in the fight against poverty— so effective that America joined over 180 nations in committing to ensure that all children get a chance to go to school.

In America, we know that education is the key to opportunity.
Whether it’s a child on a school bus in Des Moines or in a classroom in Ghana, education is an incredible investment that pays off, helping people have longer lives, healthier families and a stable income.

Call the White House today and ask President Bush to keep America’s promises and fully fund the fight against AIDS and extreme poverty.

To ensure your voice is heard, ONE has set up a toll-free number that will connect you directly to the White House in Washington, DC.

Call 1-800-786-2663 TODAY and help make poverty history.

Together, we can show America's commitment to keeping promises that have the power to transform millions of lives.

Thank you,

The ONE Team"

Not: Daha önce belirttiğim sebeplerden dolayı çeviremediğim için üzgünüm.

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