Fender Tone Master Pro, ne yazık ki sınıfta kalmış. Bu fiyata FM9 ile filan kapışmasını bekliyordum.
Para tuzağı; uzak durmak lazım.
Genel kanı, user interface dışında bir numarası yok. Fender pahalı bir oyuncak yapmış, ama profesyonelleri kandırabilecek bir şey değil. Kemper-Fractal sınıfında kesinlikle değil.
Tabii bu adamlar hi gain testi filan değil, simüle etmesi en zor 65 Twin, 65 Princeton, Deluxe, Plexi, AC30 gibi şeyler ile kıyas yapıyor.
AndyOrr isimli kullanıcının kıyaslaması özellikle anlamlı geldi bana:
"I’ve been working with the TMP and FR12 for the past few days. I just finished my longest session ever with it. I compared several of the models against the real thing - 65 Twin, 65 Princeton, Deluxe, Plexi, AC30. The Twin was the best to my ears. The rest, even after much manipulation, weren’t even in the same ballpark. But I could probably gig with the Twin. I’m not high gain guy.
I own and gigged AXE FXII for many years - both DI and FRFR and with an Atomic amp in to a traditional 2x12 cab. I own a Kemper powered head and Kabinet - mostly just to capture my amps. I use a Two Rock Bloomfield Drive amp and a pedal board with my bands. I own approx 30 tube amps - most boutique varieties. I have a studio and large rehearsal space.
I‘m really struggling to get an inspiring tone from the TMP. The UI is fantastic. By far the most intuitive of the units I’ve worked with. It’s magnificentky simple. I have a little bit of touchscreen lag but nothing that impedes my progress. It’s a large, well built unit. The quality seems spot on. I’ll keep screwing around with it but so far, from a tone perspective, it’s my least favorite of the digital modelers. And yes, I do hear the digital artifacts - especially as notes fade out. It’s actually kind of painful - not to the ears, but to the soul.
I usually love Fender stuff. Please take my post with a grain of salt. A lot of folks are raving about this unit"
Para tuzağı; uzak durmak lazım.
Genel kanı, user interface dışında bir numarası yok. Fender pahalı bir oyuncak yapmış, ama profesyonelleri kandırabilecek bir şey değil. Kemper-Fractal sınıfında kesinlikle değil.
Tabii bu adamlar hi gain testi filan değil, simüle etmesi en zor 65 Twin, 65 Princeton, Deluxe, Plexi, AC30 gibi şeyler ile kıyas yapıyor.
AndyOrr isimli kullanıcının kıyaslaması özellikle anlamlı geldi bana:
"I’ve been working with the TMP and FR12 for the past few days. I just finished my longest session ever with it. I compared several of the models against the real thing - 65 Twin, 65 Princeton, Deluxe, Plexi, AC30. The Twin was the best to my ears. The rest, even after much manipulation, weren’t even in the same ballpark. But I could probably gig with the Twin. I’m not high gain guy.
I own and gigged AXE FXII for many years - both DI and FRFR and with an Atomic amp in to a traditional 2x12 cab. I own a Kemper powered head and Kabinet - mostly just to capture my amps. I use a Two Rock Bloomfield Drive amp and a pedal board with my bands. I own approx 30 tube amps - most boutique varieties. I have a studio and large rehearsal space.
I‘m really struggling to get an inspiring tone from the TMP. The UI is fantastic. By far the most intuitive of the units I’ve worked with. It’s magnificentky simple. I have a little bit of touchscreen lag but nothing that impedes my progress. It’s a large, well built unit. The quality seems spot on. I’ll keep screwing around with it but so far, from a tone perspective, it’s my least favorite of the digital modelers. And yes, I do hear the digital artifacts - especially as notes fade out. It’s actually kind of painful - not to the ears, but to the soul.
I usually love Fender stuff. Please take my post with a grain of salt. A lot of folks are raving about this unit"
Fender Tone Master Pro....
Probably not.... The FM9 is far better if we disregard the slick GUI on the TMP