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o eski bantlı gitarını charveldan aldığı bir gövdeden yaptığını söylüyor
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EVH: My guitar? Which one? I got like three of them that are kind of tripped out. The first one is a copy of a Strat. It's not a Fender. It's by a company called Charvel. You know, I bought a body from them for 50 bucks and a neck for 80 bucks, slapped it together, put an old Gibson pickup in it, and it's my main guitar. Painted it up, you know, with stripes and stuff. I guess that's my thing.
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79 guitar player dergisi röportajı daha ilerisinde seymour duncan'a da giydirmiş (marka olarak değil ama mr.seymour duncan dan bahsediyorum
manyetikleride dimarzio ların mıknatıslarını eski paf manyetikleri ile değiştirerek yapıyormuş elle sararak
GP: So why are you building your own guitars now?
EVH: See, actually I ruined a lot of old guitars. I just didn't like the fact of having the standard rock-star setup - you know, a brand-new Les Paul and a Marshall. I was really into vibrato. Like when we used to play the high schoool dances and shit, I bought myself a '58 Strat. But it's only guitar and bass and drums musically, and the rest of the guys just looked at me and said, "Hey, that thing sounds like hell!" [Laughs.] You know, single-coil pickups, they sound real buzzy, thin. It wasn't enough sound to fill it up. So the reason I started dickin' around that way is I wanted a Gibson-type of sound, but with a Strat vibrato. So I stuck a humbucking pickup in a Strat, and it worked okay, but it didn't get good enough tone because Fenders are kind of cheap wood - they're made out of alder or something. So then I found out about Charvel, but I'm suing them right now because it's actually my guitar design that's keeping them in business. See, Wayne Charvel sold it to another guy, and Wayne was a real cool dude. When he owned it, I was considering endorsing it. And then this other dude took over, and he's just sold so many of them for like a grand apiece.
GP: Are these Eddie Van Halen model guitars?
EVH: Yeah!
GP: No kidding.
EVH: No kidding! It looks like a Strat, but it only has one pickup in it, one volume knob, no tone, no fancy garbage. It's painted the way I like 'em, and it's rear-loaded - you know, it doesn't have a pickguard. I'm not saying my guitar is "Wow, the new guitar," but it is a guitar that you could not at the time buy on the market. This guy kind of exploited my idea, so I'm suing him. See, I feel kind of fucked doing that, but all I want him to do is stop. I don't give a damn about the money. But the main reason I did that was to have something that no one else had. You know, I wanted it to be my guitar, an extension of myself. Just the other night - Christmans Eve - I went to the Whiskey. A band called Weasels was playing, and the lead guitarist had a guitar exactly like mine. I just don't understand how someone could walk onstage with my guitar, because it's my trademark. You know, when people see a freaked-out striped guitar like that, with one pickup, one volume knob, they obviously know it's mine.